ELY Fishing Competition & Treasure Hunt days at Stone End Farm, Corse, Gloucester

The ELY Fishing Competition held on the 21st June 2014, raised just under £2,000 from the fishermen that took part, the raffle and games that were held in the evening provided by Richard.  The weather was beautiful and everyone had a lovely evening. 

On Saturday 12th July, 2014, Lorna & Richard organised a treasure hunt during the day and then arranged for their son, Chris's band "Broca Divide" to enter us in the evening.  From ticket sales and raffle they raised £288.85 for ELY.   A great band, great company and fabulous food provided by all the campers off Stone End Farm.   They truly are wonderful friends who continue to support Ange & Steve for ELY.  Thank you

Angela TylerComment