ELY has lots planned for 2017 involving ELY Race Club.  Please visit their facebook page /ELYRaceClub

It is the year of our Bi-Annual Charity Ball to be HELD ON SATURDAY 11TH NOVEMBER 2017 at Three Counties Hotel.  Details will be announced Feb/March.   If you would like to reserve a table of 10, please contact Ange via email:

1st March - Kidwells Quiz Night in aid of ELY

Hereford River Carnival 29th April -  ELY will have a float on the River and a stall on the Bishops Meadow section, please come along and say hello!  Static bike training for ELY Race Club challenge!!

Carping4ELY - 12-14th May at Celtic Lakes (not many places left)


ELY 100 - Hfd to Brecon (Bishops Meadow Caravan & Camping Park)  Family Cycle over two days - 24th & 25th June

ELY Golf Day Saturday 22nd July

Charity Jail Break - 30th July

Dying2Drive Sept/October - Road Talks in partnership with HWFRS, Police, Safer Road Partnerships, Ambulance Services

ELY CHARITY BALL - 11th November at Three Counties Hotel



Angela TylerComment