Young Driver Experience - 2021

WOW!!! Our Young Driver Experience held from Monday 26th July to Thursday 29th July 2021 has been a huge hit for all our young drivers who joined us last week. It is truly remarkable how well our young people have driven with the Go Driving Instructors, full of confidence and capable of driving a car. Our age ranged from 14 to 17 years, all of whom achieved some valuable life skills as they think about learning to drive in the next couple of years.

They were also introduced to roadside first aid carried out by Hereford First Aid, general car maintenance of tyre depth and tread, windscreen wipers, lights, mirrors, indicators, oil etc carried out by Balfour Beatty volunteers, workshop carried out by Hereford & Worcester Fire Service delivering the #MORSE road safety programme as well as talks from the South Wye Policing team regarding drink driving and some participated in the brethalyser test. A police car was also in attendance.

Our partners are instrumental to holding the Young Driver Experience. With huge “thanks” to them all, there was 67 young adults who attended the event and will hopefully be our young safe drivers for the future.

We received many comments from parents stating that their son or daughter had a great day with us and with the permission from Edwina we share her comments:

Thank you so much for putting on a fantastic all round driving experience yesterday. It was such an important teenage lesson to learn the dangers and expense of being behind the wheel. How wonderful for young adults to make memories from driving a car for the first time in such a safe environment and under great instruction. He thoroughly enjoyed the responsibility, said he gained valuable experience and the chicken nuggets and chips were not bad too!   Thank you for the unexpected first aid kit, I will put it away for when he has his own car!”

I can’t thank everyone enough for what they helped us to do over the four days, we had a fabulous four days.

Ange Tyler
Charity Manager

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